Bramble, F. – Regent Square


the colourful and turbulent fortunes of an influential family in Georgian London

Beschikbaarheid: Op voorraad

The Kelleways
Thomas, a respected barrister, and his children. A family as headstrong, stubborn and passionate as the times
The temple
Seat of the Kelleway operations: rich in tradition, unique in atmosphere and one of the power centres of England
Londen 1821
As George IV waddles forth to his coronation, industrial unrest is gnawing away at the heart of the old order. And for the Kelleway children, the time has come to take their lives in their own hands…


Conditie: gelezen, in redelijk / goede staat. Boek heeft een paar lichte gebruikersporen (plakbandjes om de rug stevig te houden) en ouderdomsporen

Pocket, 441 pagina’s, eerste druk 1977 – deze uitgave is van 1980

ISBN 0140050051

Verzendkosten € 3,65

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